
Pain Au Chocolat

There is a possibility you are opening this post and expecting a recipe for  chocolate croissants that I just had to share because it is so easy. And if you know me at all, you would be surprised since I have zero patience for most baking. That has not changed at all, but I did make this croissant shockingly. The catch is that it is from Trader Joe's and required only about three steps from me. I would never normally post about a pre-made packaged pastry, but this is worth sharing. Trader Joe's offers packs of frozen croissant dough in the freezer section. Just pop them out of the box the night before and let rise, brush with some egg in the morning, and bake for twenty minutes. What emerges is the most flaky, warm, crispy, delicious croissant that you cannot believe was (somewhat) made in your own kitchen. I would like to think of myself as somewhat of a croissant connoisseur, as I flock to them in just about every destination I have been to. And maybe besides Paris, these croissants rank up there with the very best. Trader Joe's also has plain and mini options. The idea of fresh croissants from your own oven is kind of the best culinary discovery I have made in awhile. Best part is, it required so little work from me! 


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