
Scary, but True

There are so many fun ways to manipulate your picture on the internet. Whether it is trying on a celeb's hair style at Instyle.com or laughing at your chubby cheeks while playing Fat Booth on your iphone. 

But, now there is a seriously scary way to see what your face will look like down the road. I am not joking, it kind of made me cry. 

It is the Age-O-Meter from Rodan & Fields on Facebook. It is no joke. I could not even bring myself to share the after pic because it was that jarring. 


Granted, I am sure they are trying to scare you so you buy more of their products, but it certainly made aging a reality in about 1 minute. 

That reality is that you are getting older, you will get older, and if you don't wear sunscreen you are going to look even MORE freaking older. 

But, sunscreen is not just for aging. It's main purpose is to save your life, the bonus is that you will age more gracefully. 

Which brings me to another great post I read on one of my favorite blogs, Tale of Two Tings. If you still don't believe that sunscreen or staying out of the tanning booth is important, read this post. The blog is written by this cute girl, who has style and obviously, a ton of fun.

Photo: http://bockting.blogspot.com/

If you have read it you know that slathering on the 'screen can change your life. Either by saving it, making it a bit more beautiful as you age, or most likely, both.


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